Your Score Is 20 out of 24

Your Child’s Current Situation

Your child is an advanced student, with a high GPA, big dreams and big ambitions. They are an A-student and you want them to progress quicker. They are ready to cover topics from 1-2 grades ahead. They are confident, independent and they like to learn. They do really well in math, but sometimes struggle with certain things, need extra help or extra practice.

What You Want For Your Child

You want your child to get to the next level, beyond their grade level. The goal is not just to ace their class, but to get challenged even more and cover topics from higher grades.

Your Child’s Main Challenges

Your child needs a gameplan and guidance to maximize their progress during the summer without sacrificing the summer fun

Getting ahead during the summer is a great idea, but where should your child begin? Which topics should they cover? How should they study to maximize their progress? Your child needs a game plan to be able to study effectively and make great progress without sacrificing summer fun.

The class pace is too slow. Your child can progress 2-3X.

You want your child to progress but still let them enjoy their summer break. The amount of workload they get daily during the school year makes you wonder if good progress is possible without the overwhelm. It is! Schools are very inefficient. Teacher reduce the pace to accommodate all students, which means your child is being held back. The homework is a huge workload with no great benefits, especially if your child can easily complete it. The teaching in class is often insufficient for full understanding. Most children don’t get nearly enough practice. With an efficient, individualized approach, your child can progress 2-3X faster, while studying less and having time for all the summer fun they want.

Avoid stress during the school year.

You want a hybrid solution, where your child is learning high level math, getting ahead but also mixing in preparation for the next semester. You still want your child to cover topics from their next class, to make sure they ace it without stress.

Your Score is 20 / 24

Want To Improve Your Score?

Take The First Step: Download your free “Summer Math Progress” ebook now, to find out how.