Why Smart Kids Struggle with Math and What Parents Can Do

Why Smart Kids Struggle with Math and What Parents Can Do

You know your child is smart.

You’ve watched with pride as they mastered skill after skill – their first word, learning to crawl, and then their first step.

You watched nervously as they headed off for kindergarten and then moved on to higher grades. You beamed with pride at each accomplishment, helped them study for tests, and more. The future seemed so bright!

But now they’re struggling with math and there’s a real danger that it will affect not just their grades, but their future. What gives? Why do smart kids struggle with math and what’s a loving parent supposed to do to help?

You know your child is smart.

You’ve watched with pride as they mastered skill after skill – their first word, learning to crawl, and then their first step.

You watched nervously as they headed off for kindergarten and then moved on to higher grades. You beamed with pride at each accomplishment, helped them study for tests, and more. The future seemed so bright!

But now they’re struggling with math and there’s a real danger that it will affect not just their grades, but their future. What gives? Why do smart kids struggle with math and what’s a loving parent supposed to do to help?

The Underlying Reason

Many smart, even gifted, children struggle with math. In some cases, it might be an undiagnosed learning disability, but there are many other common issues, including:

  • A fixed mindset – We’ve all been here. We try something new, fail, and decide that we’re no good at whatever that thing is. This becomes fixed in our minds and ensures that we may not even try in the future.
  • The wrong environment – Class isn’t exactly an environment ideal for learning and sometimes teachers and students simply don’t mesh.
  • Stressed out – Stress does a real number on the body and mind. If your teen is stressed, and if they’re struggling with math then they’re under plenty of stress, it triggers their fight or flight response, making it difficult to use reason and logic.

The Underlying Reason

Many smart, even gifted, children struggle with math. In some cases, it might be an undiagnosed learning disability, but there are many other common issues, including:

  • A fixed mindset – We’ve all been here. We try something new, fail, and decide that we’re no good at whatever that thing is. This becomes fixed in our minds and ensures that we may not even try in the future.
  • The wrong environment – Class isn’t exactly an environment ideal for learning and sometimes teachers and students simply don’t mesh.
  • Stressed out – Stress does a real number on the body and mind. If your teen is stressed, and if they’re struggling with math then they’re under plenty of stress, it triggers their fight or flight response, making it difficult to use reason and logic.

What Can You Do?

As a parent, you want your teen to have the brightest future possible. That means excelling in school and mastering math so they can move on to bigger and better things. It’s natural to feel powerless while watching your child struggle to master math, but there are things you can do.

  • Find a tutor – If your teen is struggling with math because of a poor fit with their teacher, an environment that’s not learning-friendly, or because the teacher lacks the time for one-on-one engagement, hiring a tutor could be the solution.
  • Assess their mindset – It can be tough to get into a teen’s head and figure out their perspective, but if you find that they’re struggling with a fixed mindset, you’re on the road to improvement.
  • Find additional resources – Sometimes, teens can struggle with math because things just aren’t “clicking”. Additional resources – textbooks, workbooks, math websites, etc. – can be powerful tools to help them overcome that issue.

What Can You Do?

As a parent, you want your teen to have the brightest future possible. That means excelling in school and mastering math so they can move on to bigger and better things. It’s natural to feel powerless while watching your child struggle to master math, but there are things you can do.

  • Find a tutor – If your teen is struggling with math because of a poor fit with their teacher, an environment that’s not learning-friendly, or because the teacher lacks the time for one-on-one engagement, hiring a tutor could be the solution.
  • Assess their mindset – It can be tough to get into a teen’s head and figure out their perspective, but if you find that they’re struggling with a fixed mindset, you’re on the road to improvement.
  • Find additional resources – Sometimes, teens can struggle with math because things just aren’t “clicking”. Additional resources – textbooks, workbooks, math websites, etc. – can be powerful tools to help them overcome that issue.

You can also connect with us.

At Learn Vibrant, we’ve helped teens just like yours overcome their challenges and master math for over 14 years.

Our unique model and one-on-one tutoring help your child build the knowledge and self-confidence they need for success.

Get in touch today to learn more!

You can also connect with us.

At Learn Vibrant, we’ve helped teens just like yours overcome their challenges and master math for over 14 years.

Our unique model and one-on-one tutoring help your child build the knowledge and self-confidence they need for success.

Get in touch today to learn more!

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Equip Your Teen To Excel In Math With Our Professional, Interactive, 1-on-1 Math Tutoring.

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