Do You Want Your Child To Ace Their Math Class?

Download This Short Free Ebook To Discover:

  • 4 successful strategies of A-students your child isn’t using
  • Proven 5-step learning strategy to be able to solve any problem on the test
  • Simple step by step method to consistently getting As (92%+) on your math tests

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My name is Amadeus Ciok.
Founder of Learn Vibrant Math Tutoring. During 12 years of my tutoring experience, I have helped 100s of students (like your child) with math, including AP tests and Honors classes, SAT and Calculus.
At Learn Vibrant, we help middle school and high school children improve their math grades, ace their math classes and boost their SAT score.

How To Get Straight As in Math?

Your child is already doing well, getting scores in the 85% range. Taking it to the next level, past 92% (straight A range) requires additional effort, but not luck, genius or hours of studying. It requires very intentional methodology knows as “deep learning” and targeting your child’s weaknesses. This ebook will show you exactly how to use the methods and strategies A students use to score in the 92-100% range and, yes, beyond.

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Many parents are worried that without regular tests, grades and in-person classes, their children will fall behind in math. Children are struggling: how can they study consistently, when it is so easy to sleep in, watch movies and play video games?


With all the activities canceled, your child has so much time on their hands. Some children use this time to get ahead, others are wasting it. How to help your child do the right thing?


What are proven strategies to keep your child consistent, even if they aren’t motivated and tend to procrastinate.