Your copy of “Success In Math” is on its way to your inbox!

Who you will have your consultation with

Amadeus Ciok

Educator, Entrepreneur

Founder of Learn Vibrant

12 years of tutoring experience

The author of “Success In Math” book

More than 350 students helped

Over 10,000 hour of successful math tutoring

I am looking forward to speaking with you!

From the desk of Amadeus Ciok,
Mountain View, CA.

Hi Parent,

Thank you and congratulations!

Your copy of “Success In Math” book is on its way to your inbox.
I hope you will enjoy it.

You have requested your free Math Breakthrough Program, and I am really looking forward to speaking with you!

All you need to do now is schedule it.
The scheduling is quick and easy.

Here is what you need to do now, to finish:

Step #1: Head to your inbox and open “Schedule your free math breakthrough consultation now [exclusive link inside]”.
Step #2: Click the exclusive scheduling link in the email.
Step #3: Schedule your free math breakthrough consultation.

The email includes an exclusive scheduling link to find the time that works best for you, within the next 14 days.
The consultation is brief, it will last 20 minutes. The main purpose of the consultation is for me to understand your child’s math situation, what they are struggling with and your goals.

This way, I will be able to plan a thorough diagnostic, based on your goals and your child’s math situation to maximize the effectiveness of their math program.

Important information about your consultation:

  • it is NOT a sales call. The sole purpose of this call is for me to understand your child’s math difficulties, their situation, and what success in math means for them, in preparation for the diagnostic,
  • you do not have to prepare for the call,
  • your child doesn’t have to be present for the call,
  • there are available time slots between 6am and 9pm, to fit busy parents’ schedules and different time zones (we get requests from CA, FL, TX, IL, AZ and more),
  • we will be able to reschedule if something comes up and you realize you won’t be able to make it at the scheduled time.

Who you will have your consultation with

Amadeus Ciok

Educator, Entrepreneur

Founder of Learn Vibrant

12 years of tutoring experience

The author of “Success In Math” book

More than 350 students helped

Over 10,000 hour of successful math tutoring

I am looking forward to speaking with you!

What you need to do next

(It takes no more than 2 minutes)

Step #1:

Head to your inbox and open “Schedule your free math breakthrough consultation now [exclusive link inside]”

Step #2:

Click the exclusive scheduling link in the email

Step #3:

Schedule your free math breakthrough consultation

Parents Love Their Children’s Math Breakthrough Programs!

Rating From Parents

5 out of 5 Stars

Parents Satisfied


Your Risk


Zero risk, zero obligation, no strings attached.

What Parents Say About Their Consultations

It was a great way for us to interact with Amadeus and get all the questions answered. Amadeus is great in engaging with kids. He effortlessly got my son started with doing some math questions and then Amadeus did a free math session with my son. Overall it was engaging & useful time spent.

Sudhir Pathak

“Thank You! I thought it was great! After seeing my son struggle for so long it was AMAZING to see that he actually got it and looked confident! After his initial phone conversation with you, I could see that he was interested. He said you were pretty down to earth and felt that he could talk with you comfortably. Amayas does not say that about ANYONE willing to help out so I knew I needed to get him there.

Zenaida Martinez

We had the consultation session with Amadeus, participated my daughter (13 yo) and myself. We had few minutes of introduction to get to know each other, it helped to break the ice and make my daughter feel comfortable, when she was ready she continued the session with Amadeus only focusing in math exercises. My daughter was relaxed and Amadeus did a great job making the session casual but very productive.

Adrian Scharfstein

What Parents Say About Their Consultations

It was a great way for us to interact with Amadeus and get all the questions answered. Amadeus is great in engaging with kids. He effortlessly got my son started with doing some math questions and then Amadeus did a free math session with my son. Overall it was engaging & useful time spent.

Sudhir Pathak

“Thank You! I thought it was great! After seeing my son struggle for so long it was AMAZING to see that he actually got it and looked confident! After his initial phone conversation with you, I could see that he was interested. He said you were pretty down to earth and felt that he could talk with you comfortably. Amayas does not say that about ANYONE willing to help out so I knew I needed to get him there.

Zenaida Martinez

We had the consultation session with Amadeus, participated my daughter (13 yo) and myself. We had few minutes of introduction to get to know each other, it helped to break the ice and make my daughter feel comfortable, when she was ready she continued the session with Amadeus only focusing in math exercises. My daughter was relaxed and Amadeus did a great job making the session casual but very productive.

Adrian Scharfstein