Firstly, the mission of Learn Vibrant is to help teens boost their math confidence and develop thorough, deep understanding of math.
Parents tell us all the time how it affects their teens' lives, in school and outside:
- they ask more questions and become more curious and inquisitive
- they take more advanced classes without hesitation, giving them more college opportunities
- they start to actually enjoy learning math
- they gain confidence to take more advanced science classes and consider more mathematical majors
- they stop hating math
- they become more independent
- they stop being stressed out because of math and having test anxiety
Our mission is to empower your teen to do the same.
Secondly, I will be up-front with you:
Some of the parents (perhaps that’s you, perhaps not) will want us to help their teens through our 5-star rated, 1-on-1 math tutoring that we offer.
Our free online trainings, videos, our free Facebook group and other resources we provide you with allow us to help you as well as connect with you and parents like you, who are actively providing their teens with the best resources to have their math breakthrough.
This way, we get to help more families.
Thirdly, a lot of teens are stuck believing they will always be bad at math no matter what.
We want to help your teen truly understand that being good at math is possible.
For them.
We have helped students double their scores, get from Ds and Fs to As, go from 54% to 84% in 4 weeks, from 40% to 90% in 5 weeks, and more.
Our students, who used to struggle in math, get consistent high scores including 100s of scores above 90% and even some above 100%.
All of these students used to struggle. That’s why we know that math is a skill your teen can learn and develop.
Through our live trainings, videos and proofs of results, we hope to let you and your teen experience what it’s like to deeply understand math. See what difference it has made in the lives of other students.
Your teen can experience the same confidence, world-class results as other teens, just like them, do everyday.
All it takes is following a successful method, tips and hacks, which we will share with you in this live training.