Attention Parents:
Did Your Student Get A Bad Grade On Their Math Test?
Are they frustrated and anxious? Are they losing confidence and are starting to fall behind in math?
*Free Instant Download*
short, step-by-step guide will help your child learn math more effectively and maximize their math test scores.
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What Your Will Find In This Guide
5 proven learning tips responsible for 100s of As on tests
5-step guide on how to effectively prepare for tests and quizzes
powerful Method Of 3, that successful students use to skyrocket their understanding and boost confidence
5 most common score-destroying study mistakes many students make
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About The Author
Amadeus Ciok
Educator, Entrepreneur, founder of Learn Vibrant, 5-star rated math tutoring company in California.
11 years of tutoring experience (and counting).
350+ students helped improve their grade, prepare for tests, quizzes, finals, AP tests, SAT, ACT and more.
helped students ace their classes at 26+ most competitive schools in California (including Gunn, Lynbrook, Mission and more)
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Math Levels
Algebra 2
Calculus AB
Scoring 100% on homework and failing tests?
Why Smart Kids Struggle with Math and What Parents Can Do
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