Thank you and Congratulations!

Thank you and Congratulations!

Congratulation on completing your questionnaire to discover your child's math situation, their math potential for improvement, strengths and weaknesses.

Based on your responses, we crafted a customized report for you.

Keep reading to discover our customized recommendations for your child for eliminating their math anxiety, their potential for improvement and the exact reasons why they are struggling with math.

Your Child’s Situation

Your Child’s Situation

Your child’s homework and test scores are high but they aren’t progressing as fast as they could.

They rarely encounter problems they aren’t sure about in class. The class doesn’t move forward fast and your child, given the right approach and personal attention, could be progressing 3-5X faster.

In addition to that, they like math so they welcome extra challenges. The problem is, school doesn’t challenge them enough or at all, and your child’s math potential and enthusiasm is being wasted.

Your child needs to cover and expand on the most difficult topics.

Firstly, most challenging problems from the topics they are covering in class.
Secondly, expanding those topics to higher levels of complexity.
Moreover, connecting the current material with higher-level topics from 1-2 grades ahead.

Finally: interesting, fun and challenging problems they will never see in class, from competitions, analytical challenges and more.

Your child likes math and likes being challenged. You should take advantage of that. You want to provide them with opportunities to progress faster, understand more math, have fun with it, challenge themselves, and increase their confidence.

Your child is often bored with school math at their level. Instead, you want them to be excited about math, excited about their progress and what they are learning.

Your Child’s Skill Chart

Your Child’s Skill Chart








How Your Child Can Reach Their #1 Math Goal:

Study Effectively And Enjoy Math

How Your Child Can Reach Their #1 Math Goal:

Study Effective And Enjoy Math

Does your child often study for hours – with little to no progress?
Do they have to sacrifice sleep to study math?
Do they constantly fall behind and play catch up and still don't do well in math?
Do they watch videos, read the textbook – with no progress?
That’s means that they study ineffectively.

Studying ineffectively is destroying your child's progress, confidence and motivation!
There is nothing more frustrating and discouraging than wasting hours and hours of effort, with absolutely no results.

Conversely, with effective study skills, your child will progress much quicker.
They will be able to solve harder and harder problems in a matter of minutes. And they will gain speed, motivation and confidence.

Better grades will follow.
That, in turn, will motivate them to study more.
It will be much easier to motivate your child to study if they know that 1 hour of math will help them really improve and get ahead, instead of being another hour of “math torture” just to get another F and feel stupid.

Without the frustration caused by studying for hours with no results, your child will feel much more encouraged and motivated to put effort into math. Many students actually start enjoying math once they see their progress and what they are actually capable of.

At Learn Vibrant, we learned that even students who don't particularly like math, are happy to have tutoring to relief them from getting confused in class, pushing through homework on their own and failing tests. As long as they know they can really improve.

And with powerful study skills – they can.

The key fact is: studying effectively isn’t difficult.
It doesn’t require your child to study more.
As matter of fact, it means that your child will understand more in less time.

It’s a matter of applying a few important principles and adopting them as habits.

What habits?

  • Your child needs to learn proactively - solve problems and analyze mistakes. Not just read the textbook or watch videos. They need to convert every mistake into a learning experience – analyze it, understand it and correct it.

  • Your child needs to apply Deep Learning, after every mistake they understand, they need to solve at least 3 more examples of the same type to solidify their understanding and gain confidence.

  • Your child needs to tackle math fundamentals to have solid math foundations for more complex topics. That will help them focus on new topics and learning, instead of getting stuck on small details.

By adopting these simple but powerful techniques, your child will be able to feel progress every time they sit down to study math. It will motivate them to put in more effort and help them enjoy math more.

Your Child’s Potential For Improvement

Your Child’s Potential For Improvement

Progress Pace
With the individual approach and focus on higher-level problems, your child can progress at 3-5X the classroom pace.
Your Child's Potential
Tackling additional challenging, fun and interesting problems will maximize your child’s progress and potential, and make math more fun and interesting for them, which is something their class isn’t able to provide.
Get Ahead
Your child is able to progress quicker and learn math at much higher levels, a level 1-2 grades higher than they are.
High Level Skills
Fun, interesting, challenging problems will develop your child’s next-level analytical thinking skills, confidence and deep math understanding much further.

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